Saturday, February 28, 2009

inner interner interior


1.situated within or farther within; interior: an inner door.
2.more intimate, private, or secret: the inner workings of the organization.
3.of or pertaining to the mind or spirit; mental; spiritual: the inner life.
4.not obvious; hidden or obscure: an inner meaning.
bef. 900; ME; OE innera, comp. based on the adv. inne within, inside; see inmost-er 4 

in⋅ner⋅ly, adverb, adjective
in⋅ner⋅ness, noun



1.situated or existing in the interior of something; interior.
2.of, pertaining to, or noting the inside or inner part.
3.Pharmacologyoral (def. 4).

4.existing, occurring, or found within the limits or scope of something; intrinsic: a theory having internal logic.
5.of or pertaining to the domestic affairs of a country: the internal politics of a nation.
6.existing solely within the individual mind: internal malaise.
7.coming from, produced, or motivated by the psyche or inner recesses of the mind; subjective: an internal response.
8.Anatomy, Zoologyinner; not superficial; away from the surface or next to the axis of the body or of a part: the internal carotid artery.
9.present or occurring within an organism or one of its parts: an internal organ.
10.Usually, internals. entrails; innards. inner or intrinsic attribute.
Origin:  1500–10; < class="ital-inline" style=" color: rgb(77, 78, 81); line-height: 1.25em; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; font-style: italic; font-family:verdana;font-size:100%;">internālis, equiv. to L intern(usintern 3 ālis -al 1
in⋅ter⋅nal⋅i⋅ty, in⋅ter⋅nal⋅ness, noun
in⋅ter⋅nal⋅ly, adverb


1.being within; inside of anything; internal; inner; further toward a center: the interior rooms of a house.
2.of or pertaining to that which is within; inside: an interior view.
3.situated well inland from the coast or border: the interior towns of a country.
4.of or pertaining to the inland.
5.domestic: interior trade.
6.private or hidden; inner: interior negotiations of the council.
7.pertaining to the mind or soul; mental or spiritual: the interior life.
8.the internal or inner part; inside.
a.the inside part of a building, considered as a whole from the point of view of artistic design or general effect, convenience, etc.
b.a single room or apartment so considered.
10.a pictorial representation of the inside of a room.
11.the inland parts of a region, country, etc.: the Alaskan interior.
12.the domestic affairs of a country as distinguished from its foreign affairs: the Department of the Interior.
13.the inner or inward nature or character of anything.
14.Mathematicsthe largest open set contained in a given set, as the points in a circle not including the boundary.
Origin:  1480–90; < class="ital-inline" style=" color: rgb(77, 78, 81); line-height: 1.25em; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; font-style: italic; font-family:verdana;font-size:100%;">inter- inward + -ior comp. suffix;see exterior 
in⋅te⋅ri⋅or⋅i⋅ty   [in-teer-ee-awr-i-tee, -or-]  noun
in⋅te⋅ri⋅or⋅ly, adverb
8. See inside. 
1, 8. exterior.

here is Examples showing some difference of the meaaning and usage of  "Inner" and "Internal":

"Inner Diameter" of a pipe also can be said "Internal Diameter". It means the Diameter of the Inside Round or inside track.

While "Internal Coating" of a pipe, here, means the coating within the surface. like "4.
existing, occurring, or found within the limits or scope of something; " or "- happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface "
"Inner coating" can't replace the "internal coating" here, or it would be rather the meaning that "the coating for inside wall" of a pipe.

Another example is about the usage: "Inner Land" indicats the meaning of "remote", and in the above  dictionary it is said "within or farther within"
"Internal land" is ambiguous about the indication of remote location.
